There are several bus routes which travel along the A93 (North Deeside Road) which are suitable for using if you are coming to Baldarroch Chapel and Crematorium. Full details of these routes can be found by clicking on the routes shown below
Aberdeen – Breamar Routes:
Stonehaven – Banchory:

The Station Wood Bus Stops. The footpath leading to Baldarroch Chapel and Crematorium is immediately next to the bus stop on the left hand side of the picture.
For all of these routes please alight and board the bus at the Station Wood Bus Stop at Crathes. For further information on the Station Wood Bus Stops (i.e. photo, map and details of the next bus) click here for Aberdeen and Stonehaven bound buses and here for Banchory/Braemar bound buses. When you alight the from the bus you will see the road sign for the Crematorium. Please note that there is an illuminated footpath directly next to the Aberdeen/Stonehaven bound bus stop. To get to Baldarroch Chapel and Crematorium follow the footpath through the woods for approx 150 meters on exiting the woods you will be at the front gate of Baldarroch.